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I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and a "Happy" Black Friday. I told one of the church members about black Friday and she said in English, "I want to fight people over makeup and other stuff!" I guess I didn't explain it too well.
I have developed a hobby of killing flies. There's a lot of them at the street food restaurant we go to, and I usually grab a newspaper and go on a killing spree. The couple that run the restaurant love it when I get into it. I swear I killed about 50 flies one time. One time I didn't feel like killing any flies, and when I was walking out my comp told me that the wife said, "You didn't kill any flies today!"
Surprisingly, nothing too crazy happened this week. It's kind of been the usual for us, we teach people, serve people, teach English class, and teenage school girls giggle every time us Elders walk past them because we are white and supposedly handsome. They seriously look at us like we are Hollywood stars. Weird...
We were teaching English class one night, and we were going to play a game. After we started, a 7-year-old boy ran up to the board and wrote "No Mercy" on the board. I'm not sure if I should be scared or not.
Elder Cecil and I went to go serve a church member, and when we were about to leave it was POURING rain. We had to leave quickly to make it to the church on time, and in about three minutes of biking in the rain, I got completely soaked. Completely. It's a good prep for the rainy season I guess.
The Seasons in Thailand:
"Cold" Season: November-February, It doesn't get that much colder honestly.
Hot Season: March-June, Where it is extremely hot and humid. I'm dreading that.
Rainy Season: July-October, where I will probably be soaked all the time.
We often go and visit a man in our ward who doesn't come to church very often. He speaks a little English and loves to mess with the missionaries, especially the ones that don't know Thai very well. Last week he put his hand on my knee and asked in English "Will you Marry me?" He's a sarcastic guy.

When Elder Cecil and I bike to the church, Elder Cecil grabs the end of a truck and rides it down the street to the church. He tries to convince me to do it but I tell him that I choose life. The other day he learned his lesson. He now has some skid marks and a huge open wound on his hand. He also got some bike damage. He told me he is still going to ride trucks.
On Thanksgiving, The Larsons took us Elders to an American restaurant for Burgers and Fries. They are honestly the best. Last night during Sunday dinner they also made us potatoes with gravy, chicken, and brownies. One more Thanksgiving left in Thailand!
I gave a talk in church last Sunday, all in Thai. Elder Cecil helped me with writing it, but it somehow went well. Luckily Nobody was laughing at my Thai and the members said they understood.
Elder Cecil and I met a woman who knew a few church members a few weeks ago. Sadly, her husband died recently and wanted to meet us. She wanted to know where her husband was now. Elder Cecil taught her the Plan of Salvation. It's great to know where we come from, and where we are going.
Have a good week. Christmas season can officially begin!
Elder Brinkerhoff